2016 Goals

Yes, this blog post is a little late. But I figured that these goals are meant to apply for the entire year, so the fact we’re 10 days deep shouldn’t really matter.

I usually make resolutions, but then I also usually completely forget about them by spring. I can’t remember what 2015’s were but I’m guessing they were a similar selection to this year’s because, let’s be honest, they always follow a theme…

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*Get moving: I’m pretty good when it comes to exercise (though I certainly couldn’t claim saint-like status around Christmas), but it does tend to come in fits and starts. For the last few years my exercise has only consisted of hitting the gym, but this year I really want to include more variety in my regime so I don’t get bored. I’ve started with the 30 day squat challenge (which was a killer to begin with) and taken up yoga, and I’m planning on running outside more and attending a few more exercise classes alongside my usual gym sessions. It’s so important to mix things up a bit to maintain interest, so hopefully 2016 will be the best year for exercise yet.

*Get reading: When I finished my English Literature degree last summer, I felt so exhausted I couldn’t bear to look at another book again. Thankfully, I’m over that now but so far I’ve stuck to easy reading and it has completely lost my interest. This year, I want to always have a book on the go, and read some of the classics that I’ve managed to miss so far. This includes 1984, The Catcher in the Rye and Dickens (but I’m saving the massive tomes for a summer holiday). I want to keep things fun though so I’ll mix in some lighter reading, I’m currently making my way through the third Game of Thrones. 

*Get drinking: … water, of course. This is an ongoing thing for me and doesn’t need much explanation. I often forget to drink anything, and can go the entire day without a drop. This is very bad and absolutely must stop. I’m going to get a glass now…

*Get exploring: This is by far my favourite one. I’m so lucky to be back in London, and now is really the time to take full advantage of it. Tiarnan and I have promised one another that every month we will try something or somewhere new, and we’re already planning our adventures. While we wait for winter to pass we are scouting out cosy cafes for the best flat white, but come summer we’ll be exploring the parks and seeking the best alfresco dining spot. I’m sure our adventures will be documented right here, so watch this space!

26 thoughts on “2016 Goals

  1. Shannon Paige says:

    Yes- all of these, I agree! Last year I resolved to read a book every month and I only finished one book all year- I like reading but when I have free time I am normally blogging, playing a game, watching a show, etc. I just don’t read normally in my free time- but I need to!


  2. throughtheglitterglass says:

    It is never to late to set yourself some goals!!! I want to try the 30 day squat challenge too! Good luck with it .. I have heard it gets really tough after a while ha! Also.. definitely agree with the drinking more water goal .. I started this a few years back and know I cannot do a day without drinking a few glasses – I definitely feel it too when I haven’t had enough! I also LOVE finding new places to visit .. especially in the Summer!! Can’t wait to hear about your adventures!


    • sarahpratley says:

      I found the 30 day squat challenge so hard to begin with, I was hobbling around for a few days because my legs hurt so much haha, but I think I’m finally starting to get better… You should definitely give it a go and let me know if you do! Thanks so much for reading 🙂 x

      Liked by 1 person

  3. sumaica says:

    I have been meaning to read Game Of Thrones for the longest time now.
    Woah ! Can’t believe that you have taken the squats challenge because I hate squats the most. Way to go gal !
    Can’t wait to read about your adventures all over London. 🙂


  4. White House Red Door says:

    Excellent goals for mind and body! I especially love “Get Exploring.” My family and I visited London last summer… we love your city and had such a wonderful time! Looking forward to reading about what you discover while out and about.


  5. AlifyaLifestyle says:

    Love your goals!! I totally drank a glass of water the minute I read your “Get Drinking” section..So thanks for the reminder! 😉 (this is one of my goals I’ve listed in my 2016 blog as well!) Great post and love your blog btw 🙂



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